Homeopathic Medicine

The AIH was founded in 1844 - three years before the AMA

The 150th year anniversary meeting was held in New York City



Homeopathy is a system of medicine discovered over 200 years ago by Dr. Samuel Hahnemann in Germany. It is based on a universal law of healing: SIMILIA SIMILIBUS CURENTUR, or LIKE CURES LIKE.  This means that a remedy which can cause symptoms in a healthy person can cure the same symptoms in a sick person. Homeopathic remedies (medicines) are prepared in very small doses by a method called potentization which releases the energy or information of the medicinal substance, making it very active but without toxic chemical effect.  The homeopathic remedy, an energized or subtle state of matter, acts as a catalyst stimulating the vital force of the patient to a healing response.

This vital force is the inborn intelligence that coordinates and orchestrates all the millions of changes that we undergo every second of our lives.  It creates balance or homeostasis.   It is the intelligence and power that enables life, growth, and healing to occur.  However, the vital force can become disturbed, overwhelmed or off balance due to stress or illness.  Symptoms then manifest along with an overall decrease in health. Any illness, whether physical, emotional or mental, represents some disorder or disturbance of the vital force within.  If the condition is chronic or recurrent, the vital force of the individual has been unable to overcome the disturbance and disease is the result.  Conventional medicine may palliate, or temporarily cover up the symptoms, but not cure.  The condition persists because the disturbance is on the subtle plane, or level of the vital force, and chemical medicines have practically no positive effect on the vital force. Because homeopathic medicines are potentized to a highly energized state, they actively catalyze or stimulate a healing response on the level of the vital force if prescribed according to the law of similars.  Because the vital force is the most fundamental level, deep changes occur when it is brought back into balance. Physical symptoms lessen or disappear, overall energy increases, and a sense of well-being ensues.  Furthermore, with this new state of health, the predisposition to former diseases lessens or disappears.


A physician who practices classical homeopathy looks at the whole person to discover the deeper level of causation of the disorder or disease.  For this reason, a lengthy first consultation is required; it is important to discover the unique symptoms and characteristics of each individual, how the illness affects each person, how it feels to them, and how they function. Past medical treatment, conventional and natural, is discussed even if seemingly unrelated to the present problem. Patients are encouraged to talk about anything in their lives which they feel is relevant to their illness.  For success in homeopathy, it is essential that the consultation be complete and thorough.

In classical homeopathy only one remedy, in the smallest possible dose, is given at a time. Remedies are not always prescribed at the initial consultation. Sometimes it is necessary to study a case further until the remedy can be found which most closely matches the unique symptom picture. The remedy can then be mailed to you or picked up at the office.

Because classical homeopathy focuses on the person, not the name of the disease, homeopathic treatment has the potential to be of benefit in any condition including chronic conditions such as allergies, asthma, arthritis, digestive problems, constipation and diarrhea, eczema, headaches, neurological conditions, and menstrual problems. It would also include many acute conditions such as injuries, influenza, coughs, ear infections, and in the administration of first aid. Additionally, emotional conditions such as fear, anxiety, depression, anger, panic, eating disorders and insomnia are frequently responsive to homeopathic treatment. 


The success of any course of treatment depends on the strength and attitude of the patient and the skill of the homeopathic physician. The severity and duration of the illness, plus the extent of prior suppressive treatment, also affect the prognosis. I will be glad to discuss this with you personally in order to help you decide if homeopathy is the right course for you.

© Travis L Herring MD PA 2012 -2024